]> snippets.scripts.mit.edu Git - .git/blame_incremental - barn-growl/barn-growl.py
use time.strptime instead of parsing time ourselves
[.git] / barn-growl / barn-growl.py
... / ...
1#!/usr/bin/env python
4Subscribes to zephyr via tzc and sends messages to notification drivers (growl or libnotify).
7import sexpr
8import os
9import subprocess
10import fcntl
11import select
12import sys
13from abstfilter import AbstractConsumer
14import optparse
15import time
17class Notifier(AbstractConsumer):
18 def __init__(self, usegrowl, usenotify, useprint):
19 self.usegrowl = usegrowl
20 self.usenotify = usenotify
21 if usenotify:
22 import pynotify
23 pynotify.init("Zephyr")
24 self.pings = {}
25 self.pynotify = pynotify
26 self.useprint = useprint
27 return
28 def feed(self, s):
29 if s is None or type(s) is type(''): return
30 d = dict([(ss[0], len(ss) > 2 and ss[2] or None) for ss in s])
31 if d['tzcspew'] == 'message':
32 zclass = d['class'].lower()
33 zinstance = d['instance'].lower()
34 zop = d['opcode'].lower()
35 zsender = d['sender'].lower()
36 zauth = d['auth'].lower() == 'yes'
37 ztime = "%02d:%02d" % time.strptime(d['time'])[3:5]
38 zmessage = d['message']
39 idtuple = (zclass, zinstance, zsender, ztime)
40 id = '%s/\n%s/\n%s\n %s' % idtuple
41 if zop == 'ping':
42 header = '%s (%s)' % (id, zsender)
43 message = '...'
44 elif zop == 'nil':
45 header = '%s (%s)' % (id, len(zmessage) > 0 and zmessage[0] or zsender)
46 message = '%s' % (len(zmessage) > 1 and zmessage[1] or '')
47 else:
48 return
49 if self.useprint:
50 print (id, header)
51 print message
52 if self.usegrowl:
53 growlnotify = ['growlnotify', '-a', 'MacZephyr', '-n', 'zephyr', '-d', id, '-t', header]
54 g = subprocess.Popen(growlnotify, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
55 g.stdin.write(message)
56 g.stdin.close()
57 if self.usenotify:
58 if idtuple in self.pings:
59 self.pings[idtuple].update(header, message)
60 self.pings[idtuple].show()
61 else:
62 n = self.pynotify.Notification(header, message)
63 n.show()
64 if zop == 'ping':
65 self.pings[idtuple] = n
66 self.pings = dict(filter(lambda ((c, i, s, time), v): time == idtuple[3], self.pings.items()))
67 def close(self):
68 return
70def main(argv):
71 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = '%prog [-s "username@machine"] (--growl | --notify | --print)',
72 description = __doc__.strip())
73 parser.add_option('-s', '--ssh',
74 type = 'string',
75 default = None,
76 dest = 'ssh',
77 help = 'optional remote host to run tzc')
78 parser.add_option('-g', '--growl',
79 action = 'store_true',
80 default = False,
81 dest = 'growl',
82 help = 'use growlnotify for output')
83 parser.add_option('-n', '--notify',
84 action = 'store_true',
85 default = False,
86 dest = 'notify',
87 help = 'use notify-send for output')
88 parser.add_option('-p', '--print',
89 action = 'store_true',
90 default = False,
91 dest = 'useprint',
92 help = 'use stdout for output')
93 opts, args = parser.parse_args()
95 usegrowl = opts.growl
96 usenotify = opts.notify
97 useprint = opts.useprint
98 if not usegrowl and not usenotify and not useprint:
99 parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
100 return 1
101 ssh = opts.ssh
103 if ssh is None:
104 retval = subprocess.call(['which', 'tzc'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
105 if retval:
106 print 'tzc not in path. Please add -s username@machine to specify remote host.'
107 return 1
109 if ssh is not None:
110 command = "ssh -K %s 'tzc -si'" % ssh
111 else:
112 command = "tzc -si"
113 p = os.popen(command)
114 r = sexpr.SExprReader(Notifier(usegrowl, usenotify, useprint))
116 flags = fcntl.fcntl(p, fcntl.F_GETFL)
117 fcntl.fcntl(p, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)
119 try:
120 while 1:
121 [i,o,e] = select.select([p], [], [], 5)
122 if i: s = p.read(1024)
123 else: s = ''
125 if s != '':
126 r.feed(s)
127 except KeyboardInterrupt:
128 pass
129 return 0
131if __name__ == "__main__":
132 sys.exit(main(sys.argv))