use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Rt =head1 DESCRIPTION Foo =cut package BarnOwl::Module::RT; use IPC::Open3; use Text::ParseWords; our $VERSION = '1.0.1'; my %queuemap; my %commands = ( "((?:set|add|del)\\s.*)", "edit ticket/\$t \$1", "status\\s(deleted|resolved|rejected|open|new|waiting)", "edit ticket/\$t set status=\$1", "(d|del|delete)", "edit ticket/\$t set status=deleted", "(r|res|resolve)", "edit ticket/\$t set status=resolved", "(rej|reject|rejected)", "edit ticket/\$t set status=rejected", "show", "show -l ticket/\$t/history", "show (\\d+)", "show -l ticket/\$1/history", "list", 'rt list -o +Created "((Status=new or Status=stalled or Status=open) and (Queue=\'$q\'))"', "list (\\w+)", 'rt list -o +Created "((Status=new or Status=stalled or Status=open) and (Queue=\'\$1\'))"', "merge (\\d+)", "rt merge \$t \$1", "(take|untake|steal)", "rt \$1 \$t", "(?:owner|give)\\s(\\w+)", "edit ticket/\$t set owner=\$1", ); my $cfg = BarnOwl::get_config_dir(); my $file_path = "$cfg/rtqueuemap"; if(-r "$file_path") { open(my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "$file_path") or die("Unable to read $file_path:$!\n"); while(defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { next if $line =~ /^\s+#/; next if $line =~ /^\s+$/; my ($class, $q) = quotewords('\s+', 0, $line); $queuemap{lc($class)} = $q; } close($fh); } $file_path = "$cfg/rtcommands"; if(-r "$file_path") { open(my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "$file_path") or die("Unable to read $file_path:$!\n"); while(defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { next if $line =~ /^\s+#/; next if $line =~ /^\s+$/; my ($match, $command) = quotewords('\s+', 0, $line); $commands{$match} = $command; } close($fh); } sub cmd_rt{ shift @_; my $args = join(' ', @_); my $m = owl::getcurmsg(); my ($ticket) = $m->instance =~ m/^\D*(\d{7})\D*$/; my ($class) = $m->class =~ /^(?:un)*(.+?)(?:[.]d)*$/i; my $queue = $queuemap{$class}; for my $key (keys %commands) { my $value = $commands{$key}; if($args =~ m/^\s*$key\s*$/){ my $match = $value; my @numargs = @+; #my $match = qr/\Q$key\E/ if($value =~ m/\$t/){ if(!$ticket){ BarnOwl::error("Command 'rt " . $args . "' requires a message with ticket number selected"); return; } $match =~ s/\$t/$ticket/; } if($value =~ m/\$q/){ if(!$queue){ BarnOwl::error("Command 'rt " . $args . "' requires a class in rtqueuemap selected"); return; } $match =~ s/\$q/$queue/; } for my $digit ($value =~ m/\$(\d)/g){ $args =~ m/^\s*$key\s*$/; my $replace = substr($args, $-[$digit], $+[$digit] - $-[$digit]); $match =~ s/\$$digit/$replace/; } return run_rt_command( quotewords('\s+', 0, $match) ); } } BarnOwl::error("No Matching RT command found for: '" . $args . "'" ); return; } sub run_rt_command{ my @args = ("athrun","tooltime","rt"); push (@args, @_); local(*IN, *OUT, *ERR); my $pid = open3(*IN, *OUT, *ERR, @args) || die("RT threw $!"); close(*IN); my $out = do { local $/; }; close(*OUT); $out .= do { local $/; }; close(*ERR); waitpid( $pid, 0 ); if (($out =~ tr/\n//) eq 1){ return $out; } BarnOwl::popless_text($out); return; } BarnOwl::new_command("rt", \&cmd_rt, { summary => "rt commands in barnowl", usage => "rt ", description => < - runs rt (set|add|del) with relevent args - Dangerous if not careful rt [d|del|delete] - mark a ticket deleted rt [r|res|resolve] - mark a ticked resolved rt [rej|reject|rejected] - mark a ticked rejected rt status [deleted|resolved|new|open|waiting|rejected] - set status of a ticket rt show - show detailed history of selected ticket rt show - show history of rt list - list open tickets of current queue rt list - lists open tickets of rt merge - merges current ticket with rt [take|untake|steal] - takes, untakes, or steals ticket rt [owner|give] - gives selected ticket to config: Go to to set you rt password In ~\/.rtrc add the following lines: user passwd rtqueuemap: ~\/.owl\/rtqueuemap is a list of queues in the form of class queue which is used for the queue in commands like the rt list function which select the current queue help "Some Help Queue" rtcommands: ~\/.owl\/rtcommands is a file where you can put custom commands to map the barnowl rt module with the rt command line tool It is a good place to put custom queries which will be used frequently. Examples: "list-owner (\\w+)" "rt list -o +Created \"((Status=new or Status=stalled or Status=open) and (Queue='\$q') and 'Owner='\$1')\"" \$t is the current ticket \$q is the current queue \$[digit] matches control groups in the first reg-exp END_DESCR }); sub cmd_rt_reply { my $cmd = shift; my $type = "comment"; if ($cmd eq "rt-reply"){ $type = "correspond"; } my $m = owl::getcurmsg(); my ($ticket) = $m->instance =~ m/^\D*(\d{7})\D*$/; if (!$ticket){ BarnOwl::error("Command: '" . $cmd . "' requires a message with a ticket number selected"); return; } if(@_) { return run_rt_command("rt", $type, "-m", join(" ", @_), $ticket); } return BarnOwl::start_edit_win($cmd . " ticket " . $ticket, sub {run_rt_command("rt", $type, "-m", @_, $ticket)}); } BarnOwl::new_command("rt-reply", \&cmd_rt_reply, { summary => "Reply to current ticket", usage => "rt-reply [message]", description => < "Comment on the current ticket", usage => "rt-reply [message]", description => <